About CBD Oil; it is an organic hemp extract that has been used for a very long time in different parts of the world as a medical treatment and alternative medicine. It has been approved by the FDA and other health authorities for its positive effects and potential for many other medical conditions. Recently, CBD Oil has gained great popularity all over the World because of the recent news reports regarding the drug and the controversy surrounding the drug.
Cannabidiol or better known as CBD is a natural phytocannabinonoid found in 1940 by Stanley Lieber. It is one of the 11 known cannabinoids in marijuana plants and accounts for nearly 40% of the marijuana plant’s active extract. The active components of CBD are believed to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory, anti-psychotic and anti-cancer properties. However, the CBD is not considered a pure drug because it contains trace amounts of THC, which is the principal psychoactive component of marijuana. CBD has been tested on mice, rats, dogs and monkeys. Click here for more information about Edibles Toronto Dispensary.
Many studies have been conducted and there have been many clinical trials to determine the effects of CBD in different animals and human patients. Some of these trials were conducted using animals only while others were conducted using patients who have recently undergone treatment using marijuana. It has been observed that CBD has very strong antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and an anti-toxic properties. One major drawback with CBD is its strong anti-anxiety effects that make it unsuitable for children. Also, it can be fatal to humans if taken in excess.
Many patients are now claiming that they feel very good after they use CBD and its derivatives. These claims have been widely publicized in newspapers, television and radio and published books. Because of this publicity, the public opinion about CBD and its use has increased and it has also been banned in some countries.
The main focus of this article is to explore the controversy surrounding the use of CBD in the United States. The controversy is over whether or not CBD is a pure drug or if there are other hidden benefits of its use that need to be acknowledged. Many people argue that this drug is not really a pure drug because the presence of THC makes it a highly addictive drug and it can also result in death. Others claim that the fact that it is not a pure drug has resulted in it being banned in some countries.
Many experts agree that CBD is a safe drug when taken in its most natural state. They also believe that there are still other benefits of its use that are being ignored by most doctors and patients. For example, it is known that CBD is an important neuroprotective agent that can prevent seizure activity and also may provide a protection against Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease and epilepsy. There are some who think that CBD can also act as an antidepressant in some cases and can relieve pain and anxiety.